Meet Khaled Chibane, an inspiring young Algerian man who has achieved remarkable things in his life. Born in Ain Mlila in 1993, Khaled completed his primary and secondary education in Algeria before going on to earn a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2015.
In 2016, Khaled's thirst for knowledge and opportunity led him to Germany. He spent two years in Munich learning German, then earned a Master's degree in Engineering from the Technical University of Berlin in 2020.
Eager to make his mark on the world, Khaled founded Schabio Germany Gmbh in Munich after graduating. The company focuses on developing innovative technology solutions, and its projects include the Taxicol app, a ride-hailing service similar to Uber, and Mazadkniss, an online auction platform.
In 2023, Khaled took the plunge into entrepreneurship by establishing Eurl Kolping Technology in Ain Mlila. This ambitious startup aims to facilitate the transfer of technology from Germany to Algeria.
Khaled is deeply connected to his family, and his six brothers and two sisters, who all reside in Algeria, play a significant role in his life.
The year 2024 saw Khaled's foray into the world of trading, and he is brimming with optimism and ambition for the years ahead.
Khaled Chibane embodies the spirit of young Arab talent and determination. His impressive achievements serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration for aspiring youth across the region.